Days 3-4 Battersea to Hampton Court 12-13 October 2024

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Days 3-4 Thames Path

Day 3: Battersea to Richmond (14 miles)

Been a year since last walked this Trail, but finally we got diaries synchronized for a weekend. I had idea of asking Rob and Jackie & Dom, long-standing friends and erstwhile walking and cycling companions, if they would like to join us. They were pleased to do so for first day. The second day was rather different as Granddaughters Freya (aged 3) and Evie (aged 1) joined us.

We meet at or near the church in Battersea where we left off last year. Pass the helipad (where meet Rob) and continue alongside the Wetland Centre opposite the new stand built at Craven Cottage football ground. 

Wandsworth Park

Seven of us on day one at Putney Bridge

Craven Cottage with ubiquitous rowers

A feature of todays walk is the large number of rowing boats on the Thames. There is an event - The Pairs Head of the River Championship - taking place this morning. I found that following some research after the event, though found nothing as to what the Double Scullers were competing in. 

The path is busy with runners and cyclists as would be expected on a Saturday morning. The traffic reduces somewhat as we walk through an attractive wooded part.


At Barnes, take a lunchtime break in a Cafe Nero. I like to support local cafes but we could not find one with seating. 

After short break during which the shower that we experienced has abated continue around another long meander. Whilst we are making way steadily westwards, there is a lot of northward and southward walking around the meanders made famous by the University Boat Race. 

We past opposite Syon House, the small pad owned by Duke of Northumberland. Bothe sides of the river appear quite rural for a short section. 

Syon House

We end at Richmond having walked 13.6 miles in 5:12. It has been a good day; really enjoyed the varied walk. The iconic structures of the City have given way to a more rural feel. Easy walking and plenty of interest en route.

And it has been good to share with friends and family!

Day 4: Richmond to Hampton Court 8 miles 

I stayed with Rob last night and arranged to meet the others where we ended yesterday. I forgot that they ended at the road bridge whereas Rob, Jackie, Dom and I continued to Twickenham, crossing at Richmond Bridge. So I waited for them at Richmond Bridge mistakenly thinking that was where we all finished yesterday. Dave, Matt and Paul plus the girls were meanwhile waiting at the road bridge. 

Consequently, we start on our 'all Sims family walk' today at 0950 rather than 0930 once the confusion (exacerbated by the inability of Dave's phone to make contact with mine) was rectified. Freya is on her second day, Evie her first having been unborn when we commenced Thames Path last year! 

Thames at Richmond

We soon encounter a running event along the river and need to stop because Freya is hungry.

Sandwich time for Freya and Evie

Shortly after, we walk through the event base with runners finishing around and passing us. It is another unique experience I have encountered on Trail walking!  

Dave has Evie in his large carrier; Freya is content to ride in the buggy for most of the way (and sleeps for around an hour allowing us to progress quickly) but falls over at one point, grazing her knee.

Entering Kingston

At Kingston we cross to the north of the river for first time. It is possible to walk on the northern side from Woolwich to Teddington as far as I can work out from OS maps; here is the first point where access on the southern (actually eastern given the orientation of the river here) side is not possible. 

We enter Hampton Court Park for the final 3 miles of the walk. The girls are more active so we slow to allow them to walk along the wide path. It is pleasant but relatively featureless. Matt and I cycled it as part of route 4 in April last year.

Hampton Court

We finish on Hampton Court bridge and have lunch in Henry's Kitchen nearby before Paul and I take the train from Hampton Court to Clapham Junction and on the Crewkerne. Been a lovely day and thoroughly enjoyable weekend. 41 miles completed and we have hardly left the city. Great walking and lovely to share it with sons and granddaughters.

Richmond to Hampton Court

Miles walked



Hours (including stops)



Ascent (metres)




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